BERKEL is the most experienced designer and installer of single-pass, cast-in-place foundation systems in the U.S. and is available to assist with developing the most efficient foundation solution for your project.
Auger Pressure Grouted (APG) piles are constructed by advancing a hollow-stem continuous flight auger into the ground and pumping grout through the hollow shaft of the auger, producing shafts of grout in the soil. APG piles can be installed to depths of 150 feet. Diameters vary from 12 to 24 inches in 2-inch increments and 30 to 48 inches in 6-inch increments. Berkel installs APG piles in a variety of geologies across the country. Our APG piles have been load tested to over 1000 tons and have been used to support compressive loads of up to 500 tons.
APG piles are a specific system within the industry-termed Auger Cast-in-Place pile (ACIP pile) family (also referred to as Auger Cast Piles or Augercast Piles).For more information, click here for a brochure and here for a video of APG pile installation. Click here to find the Berkel office that can best assist you.